Here is just a few testamonials parents have shared with us to let us know about their childs progress;
“I want to thank you Angela, the first nursery I found for my first son Adam was too rigid and he wasn’t happy, so I sent him to another but he just played all day. When he went to big school, his teacher told me he didn’t know his letters or numbers and the other children laughed at him. Thankfully I found your lovely nursery and my second son John has started Big School and is top of his class at numbers but equally has made friends easily and enjoys playtime just as much with all his new friends. You got the combination just right. “
“Thank you so much, Francesca got into Oxford University, her first years the formative years as we called them gave her the greatest start in life. Thanks again.”
“I am now enrolled on a Montessori teaching course the way my daughter loved going to your nursery every day and how she learn’t inspired me to become a Montessori teacher.”
“Cole just completed his GCSE Math’s and Biology at just 11 years old. I cannot thank you enough. “
“My sons started Primary School, I was concerned the teachers told me they were misbehaving, but later found out they were bored. I am pleased to say they are now behaving, but read with the 8 year olds, not the four year olds. It was just too easy for them. Alessandra and Dario say thank you. “